
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A minty fresh photo locket.

Is your breath minty fresh? Is that because you have one of these in your purse?

Let's turn it into something sweet and funny and fun to wear! Like a personalized photo locket.

Uh-oh. I hear them. The doubters. Muttering. "Really? A Listerine locket. What is she, crazy?"

Just hang in a minute. I assure you, you will think it's cute!

Peel off the labels. Then you need to make three holes. Do you know the trick of heating up a metal poker, for making holes in plastic? Make one hole in the bottom, inside the box:

And two more thru the top edge, like this:

The holes may look a little burnt, but pooh, I'm not worried. Nobody will notice. (A little sandpaper will take off most of the black, if it really bugs you.)

Thread a cord or chain through the two holes at the top. Use a headpin to make a loop at the bottom. Here is the back of the box:

If you don't have a headpin, you can make a loop with a small bit of cord (knot it on the inside to hold it in place). And now you have a pendant, all ready to embellish!

Use your imagination - maybe tailor it to someone else as a gift, or do something to match the type of photos you plan to put inside. I decoupaged a scrap of origami paper to the front, and added some charms. Here it is:

See? I told you you'd think it was cute.

Now for the photo locket part. Use one of the breath strips (that green oblong in the picture is several stuck together) to make a template for cutting mini photos to fit your locket. I made my template out of clear plastic, so I could see where best to trim my teeny pics.

I don't have a color printer, so I made some black and white prints, and added colored pencil accents. You can fit a whole bunch of little pictures into this thing!

When closed, a little bit of the first picture peeks through:

Wouldn't this be a great gift? I'm giving it to the grandma of these sweet boys - she will love it like crazy.

Who's crazy now, doubters? Boo-ya.


  1. Yuu are crazy. Mad as a ships cat. Off your head. And may lightning strike me if I don't absolutely adore this project! I'm immensely inspired, even though I don't think those mint things are available in Britain; I knpow they used to be in Germany.
    Mad... Seriouly mad.

  2. that is so cool michelle, I can hardly wait to get it. I am the proudest grandma & amazed mother of your genius crafting creations.

  3. wow really M? Thats so cool. I want to make one and put a tiny pictures of all my dogs in there. I would of never though of making jewlery out of that odd shapped container, but its almost perfect.

  4. thank you for finding me!
    you have such awesome innovative crafts! i love them!

  5. i can't even believe you made something this cute from a plastic mint strip holder! unbelievable!! and great job :D i've got to give these a whirl!

  6. What an idea! Thanks for sharing. Happy Crafting! :o)

  7. Wow that looks amazing!

  8. Way, way, way beyond brilliant...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I have to know was this one of those ideas that just popped into your head in the middle of a really good dream Love it !

    Happy 4th to you & yours
    hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  11. What creativity! You have vision. I also love that you labeled the post as "upcycle" Can I borrow that phrase?

  12. OMG, I would have NEVER considered an empty mint container for anything other than trash...BRILLIANT! Thanks so much for linking to gettin' crafty on hump day! :)

  13. This is an adorable idea and I love the B&W pics with the colored pencils!!

  14. Are you freakin' kidding me? This is awesome! Your creative mind knows no end. Off to make one for myself.

  15. This is freakin awesome. I am SO featuring this on FTF next week :) Stop by if you would like a Featured button.

  16. Who would have thought!? This is so cool. I love to up-cycle odd things! Great Job!

  17. How very creative, crafty, and cute! Thanks for linking up this week to It's Party Time Thursday @PonyTails&FishScales!

  18. This is so fab. I just love it!

  19. Awesome!! I love that all your projects have a sense of humor, too! :) Something pretty out of something minty!

  20. Wow, Awesome - creative - and down right cool!

  21. wow how awesome is that.

    visiting from Mod Podge Rocks

  22. This is just to amazing!I want to learn to think more like you when I grow up. Great job girl.

  23. This is so cool. I do have a question though. Are the pics connected together so when you're putting them back in from showing people they go in easy? Or say you're showing a pic, are you taking just one out or all-then putting them back in for the next person who wants to check out your great creation? I can just imagine me showing it off and trying to cram those pics back in. Thanks!

  24. Hey, Stephanie: good point! I never thought of connecting them, but that's a great idea. Everybody: connect your photos. How about an accordion-fold on a piece of ribbon?

  25. i've been saving those little things just waiting for inspiration to hit- now it has!! thanks lady! :)

  26. I think I might just get a pack of these to make a necklaCE! YOU SHOULD SELL THIS ON ETSY
