
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Another Envelope of Doom update. Too fun!

The ideas are multiplying fast. Sarah from Stepping Thru Crazy has a new post up, with a majorly fun project derived from her EOD. What did she make with this green felt cutout?

Surprise! She didn't use the cutout shapes at all. Instead she harvested the half-moon edges, added some beautiful hand stitching and two different crafty flowers -

And ended up with these!

Two spiffy and original headbands for her little girls. Again, she provides a fantastic tutorial. And again, I am so happy! I never envisioned a craft made from the "useless" bits of felt above the fancy cutouts. It is so cool having my eyes opened by these crafters. Sarah, I love it!

Stay tuned for more from all our crafters next week. But right here is a quick little link to Bree's latest, because she has a giveaway of something she made from the envelope - and it's so cute I know you're going to want to enter.

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