
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Giveaway results...

Yikes, I may not turn out to be very good at giveaways. Because I want everyone to win. But a decision must be made. I initiated my high-tech randomizer program (my mom picked two numbers), and here are the results:

Deer earring winner: Katie! Yay, Katie!

Coral buttons winner: Deliriumfish! Yay, Deliriumfish! But you didn't leave me any way to reach you. Please leave a comment below with contact info.

But wait! S
ince I am a newbie blogger, and there were only ten entries - and as I mentioned, I suspect I am not going to be good at this - I hereby announce:

Everyone who entered has won a small giftie. Yay, everyone! Thanks again for playing, and for the kind comments.

All-Points Bulletin
If you are Deliriumfish, Narimasu or Rollerwriter, I hope you will read this and leave me your contact info in the comments below.


  1. So exciting! First thing I've ever won! Yay! Thank you!!

  2. Congrats to the winners and thanks so much Michelle for offering everyone a gift!

    My email address is ashleighbronner at gmail dot com. I think that's what you wanted as far as contact info! Thanks again!! Love your blog!

  3. I replied by e-mail. Did you receive it?

  4. Yay! How fun. Love your blog and all your great stash busting ideas. My email address is cvoskuhl at gmail dot com. Is that what you need or my mailing address?
