
Saturday, April 24, 2010

A lucky break: vintage 'uh-oh' earrings.

Dismantling vintage items to make refashioned jewelry makes me a little uncomfortable. I always prefer to keep an antique as original, rather than taking ghoulish pleasure in using its poor, dismembered corpse for my twisted...ooh, that sentence was getting off topic, I'm not even gonna finish it.

Even though I never like doing it, occasionally I do dismember - er,
take apart my vintage finds. But sometimes I luck out! At a vintage shop at the Farmer's Market, I bought a charming, delicate Chinois-style plastic fan. It was two bucks! I'm guessing, maybe from the 40's or 50's?

I got it home, opened the wrapper and spread the fan out -

Uh-oh! One of the strips was broken about halfway down. Was I sad? No. Because, yay! I get to use it for parts!  I clipped off two deer segments, added the earring findings -

And done.

They are gorgeous.  And I still have about twenty deer left, plus the two bakelite-looking covers - I know I'm making something with those! Not to mention all the rest of the delicate remains of the corpse. And I don't feel guilty at all!

This time


  1. I think I have a broken fan like that around somewhere. I am going to dig it out and make some earrings. I have really enjoyed reading your new blog. You certainly are creative.

  2. I too have a fan like that, except it's made of sandalwood and my sister gave them out to her bridesmaids.
    Maybe I'll make her a pair of earrings for her wedding anniversary!
    Super cool project.

  3. I would totally buy a pair of deer earrings from you, do you have any left to spare for sale?

  4. Beautiful...I would love to buy a pair from you.

  5. I have a broken sandlewood fan and now I know what to do with it! Adorable!!!
