
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Giveaway. Giveaway? Giveaway!

Yes, let me try a giveaway! I'm not sure I know how to do one properly, but how about...

If you would like a set of 8 hand-wrapped coral buttons as seen in yesterday's post:

Or a pair of vintage deer earrings, as seen in Saturday's post:

I would love to send them to somebody! Please leave a comment below, just be sure it includes either your email address or a link to it, so I can contact you. Deadline: midnight, Friday April 30th.

Let me know for which giveaway you would like to be entered (or both!) and on Saturday, May 1st, I will use my cutting edge high-tech randomizing program to choose the winners. On Monday I will mail out your gifties!

(*note: my cutting edge high-tech randomizing program = my mom will pick a number between one and the number of entries.)

My first giveaway! No wait! Hang on...okay, now!

UPDATE: This giveaway is now closed. Thanks for playing!


  1. I'm so glad I found your blog. :) What creativity! You've inspired me to look more closely at what's around me. I LOVE the deer earrings from a broken fan. Would love to win those!

  2. Dropped by via dollarstorecrafts... I absolutely adore those earrings! Would love to be included in the draw! :)

  3. I'm here from dollarstorecrafts -- such creativity! I'd LOVE to be entered into both drawings, please.

  4. Found you through the Dollar Store crafts blog--you rule! I love your ideas! I would love to be entered into both! Apparently I have a problem with exclamation marks today!

  5. Those buttons are fantastic.

  6. I found you from dollar store crafts and I love your blog! So glad you started one because you're uber-creative!

    I'd like to be entered into both drawings!

  7. I've really been enjoying your blog and what you've done with your stash to bust. Love the bead to button idea and think the earrings are so clever! Thanks for the give-away opportunity!!

  8. I'm always up for a giveaway and those coral buttons looks so cute. I read the tutorial below and I think it's such a clever idea. I'm going to have to go through my beads to see what buttons I can make with them.

  9. I absolutely love the earrings. The buttons are beautiful but I can so see myself in those earrings!

  10. Hi, everybody! Thanks SO MUCH for all the sweet comments. Just a reminder: be sure there's a way I can contact you from your entry. Otherwise I will have to send out an all points bulletin...good luck, I hope you win!

  11. I would be happy to win either of those awesome projects. I know already what sweater I would put the beads on too!
    Keep up the awesome tutorials. I really love your quirky creativity and I'm totally stoked to finally find a jewellery blog that appeals to my sense of style (ahem.) but that I also feel that I can actually MAKE.
    In other words, you rock.

  12. cute deer earrings, too bad that i'm too late! lol
